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Governance and Compliance


The Saoirse Foundation Limited, trading as BUMBLEance, is governed by a Board of Directors that directs and supervises the charity and ensures that it delivers on its goals and objectives while upholding our values and principles. Board members serve in a voluntary capacity, with several of them donating their professional services to BUMBLEance free of charge.

All our activities and governance policies are backed by our rock-solid commitment of maintaining the trust and support of our families, our volunteers, our donors and our other stakeholders.

Compliance: The Triple Lock Standards

In order to meet the best possible practice that charities can aspire to, BUMBLEance operates the Triple Locked Standard, involving compliance and implementation of three separate standards:

THE GOVERNANCE CODE: Our board is publicly signed up to the Governance Code (, the standard definition of good practice in governance for Ireland’s Community, Voluntary and Charitable (CVC) sector. With approximately one-quarter of all community, voluntary and charitable organisations in Ireland registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority, BUMBLEance is proud to be one of only 2% of all charities in Ireland that are fully compliant with the Good Governance code. Although the code is self-assessed, BUMBLEance commissioned Deloitte to review all our governance structures and operations. Deloitte’s recommendations were implemented in full and compliance with the governance code declared in full by the Board in January 2017, 10 months ahead of the scheduled completion date. To ensure full compliance, we have developed our own ongoing implementation and monitoring register which we use to monitor progress with ongoing compliance with the code.

GOOD FUNDRAISING PRINCIPLES: Our board has formally adopted and is publicly signed up to the Statement of Guiding Principles for Fundraising. Our staff, volunteers and anyone else fundraising on our behalf are fully trained on the requirements. We have implemented controls to ensure that all our fundraising practices are fully in line with the Principles and any related Codes of Practice. We review and report annually on compliance.

TRANSPARENT AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING REPORTING: BUMBLEance prepares an annual report and financial statements in full compliance with the Charity SORP (Standard of Reporting Practice under FRS102). We make our annual independently audited accounts easily available to the public on our website.

BUMBLEance is fully compliant with the following voluntary codes, best practice models and statutory obligations:

• We are listed on the Charities Regulatory Authority Register of Charities (Charity Reg. No. 20075163) in the Republic of Ireland.
• We are an approved charity with the Irish Revenue Commissioners, registered charity number CHY 19226.

Audited Accounts

2023 Annual Report & Audited Financial Statement
2022 Audited Financial Statement
2021 Audited Financial Statement

BUMBLEance are members of:

The Charities Institute Ireland (CII)
The Wheel
The Carmichael Centre
Irish Platform for Patient Organisations, Science & Industry (IPPOSI)
Genetic and Rare Disorders Organisation (GRDO)
The Medical Research Charities Group (MRCG)
Frontline Emergency and Security Services Eire Forum (FESSEF)