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Our Stories


BUMBLEance provides safe and comfortable transportation for Ireland’s youngest patients all over the island of Ireland.

Our team have the privilege of bringing these patients and their families to hospitals, respite centres and other medical settings. Read on to learn a bit more about just a few of the incredible young people that have come through our care.


Jack Beattie

Everyone, meet Bee Jack Beattie. We are honoured to have Jack’s mother Ruth, share his story with us all today. Jack was born on the 23rd of March in 2011. When he was born, Jack was diagnosed with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Brittle Bones Disease). Ever since then, Jack has been attending Temple Street, Children’s Hospital in order to attend his appointments and receive the treatment he requires.  

Ruth Shares, “It is a very stressful and long journey from the moment we leave our home in Donegal, to the moment we arrive at Temple Street, Children’s Hospital in Dublin. Not only is it stressful for us as parents, but for our Jack too. In 2013, we started to use BUMBLEance as our way of transportation for Jack. Being able to use this service has really made such a difference to us. While onboard, Jack is so much more relaxed and comfortable as he gets to travel in style! Jack loves nothing more than getting strapped in and firing up the PlayStation as he gets to play some games on the road.” 

“The service that BUMBLEance provide is second to none. The care that is provided to Jack and us as a family is just astounding, from the staff in the office to the drivers on board. Our three-and-a-half-hour-long journey is less stressful, more enjoyable and comfortable for us as a family and for Jack. Thank you Team BUMBLEance from Bee Jack.”


Marley Mae Mitten

Marley Mae is from a lovely town called Killorglin. Marley Mae who is 3 years old ,is a beautiful little girl who was sadly diagnosed with EARS2 mitochondrial disorder last year. EARS2 comes with many obstacles that she will have to overcome, some of which include, developmental delay, feeding difficulties, and seizures. The list is endless.
Her mother Zsuzsanna shares, “Marley got a tummy bug when she was about six months. We knew there was something going on but we put her to bed one night and she woke up a different child. She lost everything. Beforehand, she was crawling and sitting up and babbling. She was a happy baby. After she woke up that morning, all of that was gone.”
Marley’s parents, Zsuzsanna and Stephen had noticed that Marley had been more fussy and tired than their first two children leading up to her infection, but they hadn’t realized there was anything serious going on. She started crying constantly after six months, which they now know was down to her experiencing seizures.
Marley is now on medication that helps to stop her seizures, but even a common cold could put her in the hospital. Stephen and Zsuzsanna share, “The mitochondria in the body gives you energy and Marley basically doesn’t get that energy. She can just about sit up on her own now but it’s only for a few seconds and we need to be with her.”
BUMBLEance has played a vital role with Marley Mae, ensuring that she can travel to and from her medical appointments in a safe and comfortable manner, Zsuzsanna shares “Travelling to hospital appointments with BUMBLEance has become a godsend for Marley. She wouldn’t travel well in the car at all to the hospitals previously. We think she knew we we’re going there and she’s pretty clued in so being on board the BUMBLEance is a great distraction for her! The drivers are fantastic and make her feel extra special when she’s on board. Marley feels like the BUMBLEance Is a fun trip and relieves us from the extra stress of travelling in a car “
With sheer determination Marley Mae has already proven to the doctors and specialists that she is a true fighter. Marley has inspired people from all over the Country with her determination and positivity. If she can still smile with all she is going through we have no excuse to not push ourselves too.

Robyn Donoghue

Robyn’s mom Linda explains how her pregnancy was going great up until 32 weeks gestation. Linda was having a regular scan when it was spotted that their baby Robyn was a bit on the small side so ‘I was sent for a more detailed scan in my local hospital. The next day where they informed me that something had showed up in her brain and kidneys and that I was going to be referred to the National Maternity Hospital Holles Street in Dublin. I got a call from Holles Street within an hour to offer me an appointment for the following Friday where they offered me an amniocentesis which I went ahead with. They mentioned a few things that it might be and two days later we were given the devastating news that our little girl had Edwards Syndrome also known as Trisomy 18.

We were told that she was “incompatible with life” and we were offered a termination which we refused. We were also told she might pass before, during or just after birth but chances of surviving past that were very slim. Robyn will be 4 in January please god and she is very much compatible with life’!!

Robyn was born with many medical issues, she attends Crumlin hospital regularly for Cardiology, Orthopaedics, Surgical, Audiology and Ophthalmology. She is non- verbal and we are currently trying to learn Làmh Signs.

Robyn’s mom explains how ‘We have so many appointments all of which were deferred because of Covid19 but we are so blessed to be able to use BUMBLEance for our many trips to Dublin. It’s such a fantastic service. Robyn’s first trip with BUMBLEance was when they transferred her from Holles Street to Crumlin to meet with her Cardiologist and we have been using BUMBLEance ever since. Everyone associated with BUMBLEance are so kind especially the drivers who are so lovely and patient. Robyn particularly loves all the lights and music on board. It is such a relief to be picked up and dropped off outside our door knowing that she will travel safely with the best care and that the added stress of traffic and parking are taken away from an already stressful appointment.’

Robyn has battled her way through many illnesses since she was born, in her first few days she stopped breathing twice and had to be christened in hospital. She spent most of her first year in hospital suffering with pneumonia and double pneumonia many times but she has surpassed all expectations and she is nothing short of a Little Miracle. She is a very happy little girl and her beautiful smile brings lots of joy to her Mum Linda, Dad Robbie, her 2 big Sisters Karen and Ali and her little brother Ross every day!


Kaitlyn Glackin

Kaitlyn’s mother Sarah has shared Kaitlyn’s story about her Cancer diagnosis and the journey she has been on. “There’s our girl, Kaitlyn!

We have experienced so many heartaches along the way but have also been so lucky. Thankfully we never needed the BUMBLEance through the many years of Kaitlyn’s cancer treatment as I always drove but on Kaitlyn’s 3rd diagnosis, I didn’t have a car. We needed home and BUMBLEance was there for us when we needed them. Kaitlyn was so sick and I remember thinking this maybe our last trip home to Donegal.
Driver Jimmy was a gentleman and the journey home was so comfortable. It was comforting knowing that I didn’t have to concentrate on the busy roads ahead and more importantly it allowed Kaitlyn to sleep in the BUMBLEance on the journey home in comfort.
There have been so many amazing people who have helped Kaitlyn along her journey, from St. Johns ward to Aoibheann’s pink tie and most importantly all of the doctors and nurses who were on Kaitlyn’s team.
Kaitlyn is doing really well so far and is in remission for the 3rd time and we do pray that everything stays well day by day. You have all given us the strength to help her and slowly we want to keep the love going and help all of these amazing people.
Please support BUMBLEance as I didn’t think we would ever need them, but when we were unable to drive, BUMBLEance was there. Thank you BUMBLEance. “


Nikita O Connor

Queen bee Nikita’s mother has shared “These are Nikitas beads of courage, for every milestone such as a lumbar puncture or chemo, she gets a bead to document her Cancer journey.

BUMBLEance is such a life changing experience for us. We add ‘Bee beads’ for each journey Nikita goes on. Before using BUMBLEance Nikita was anxious going to the hospital and was upset if anyone approached her. There were no smiles on Hospital day.

Then we met driver Áine and the Bee vroom aka BUMBLEance! Now she grabs her BUMBLEance Bee teddy and tears towards the door. She is chatty and engaged when we get to the hospital, sharing her smiles and laughter with everyone around!Starting the day off on the right foot being treated like the Queen Bee Nikita is, has made all the difference and we can’t thank all the staff at BUMBLEance enough.”


Noah Myers

Noah was born March 2011 with a very rare syndrome called Escobar syndrome. Noah’s syndrome effects him physically and he will be a wheelchair user for life. He has undergone many surgeries during his 10+ years on this earth and he does so with laughter, grace and most of all unbeatable courage. In September 2021 Noah almost died during a routine procedure and the whole event was absolutely terrifying for us all as a family.

Noah faces further procedures in the future and although we are all extremely nervous Noah’s attitude continues to inspire us to keep going and believe all will be ok.

Noah’s mom Sharon says ‘Charities like BUMBLEance give families like ours fantastic support and allow our children to enjoy moments in life that would ordinarily be tough or scary’



Leah and Ellie Woulfe

Leah and Ellie Woulfe are from Bruff in Co. Limerick. Leah is 11 and Ellie is 8 years old. They have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which means they have defective collagen. Because of this they have severe joint pain and dislocations along with lots of other complications. Travelling by car the 200 km to hospital appointments was once a nightmare but not now thanks to BUMBLEance they both can rest and be so comfortable lying down whilst watching movies and playing on the PlayStation. For me their mammy, all the stress is taken away and I can relax. I no longer have to deal with emergencies on my own on long journeys. Everyone in BUMBLEance is so lovely to deal with and it’s such a wonderful service for children like Leah and Ellie who need to use this service to get to their hospital appointments.

Mother of the girls Mairead says ‘Both Ellie and Leah love to travel on board the BUMBLEance, making the journey to hospital easier and more comfortable. ‘Leah says she just loves it and Ellie thinks it’s amazing. Yesterday we pulled up at Joel’s restaurant here in Dublin and when they got out of the car they spotted the BUMBLEance. Ellie’s face lit up and she said do you think our driver Chris is here. Tayto park was well and truly forgotten about’


Shaye Collins

Shaye was diagnosed with Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH), an extremely rare blood disease that no premature baby in Ireland had ever survived. He also has adrenal insufficiency and undiagnosed skeletal dysplasia. This means Shaye must take medication every day and he also takes special formula feeds. Shaye spent the first 5 weeks of his life in hospital where we learned about constant hand sanitising and apron wearing long before Covid-19 has begun.

Everyday life for Shaye is definitely different. Thankfully, with treatment, Shaye recovered from, and has never had a relapse of HLH, but Shaye is still very small for his age – he’s four now but still wears aged 1-2 years clothing, his hips were both dislocated as a baby and he wears splints on his feet.

Shaye’s mom Veronica says ‘Despite the challenges he faces, Shaye is full of energy and is loved by everyone he meets. He really is very energetic – he loves the trampoline and playing with his three older siblings. He likes Peppa Pig and has a total obsession with Happy Birthday – he sings it every day. He’s just an absolute dote and he’s so loving – I was putting him to sleep the other night in my arms and he looked up at me and said, “Mum, you’re so lovely“ He is such a miracle boy and we are so proud of him. We are so blessed to have the BUMBLEance for our hospital journeys. Shaye loves it so much and is always so excited, He loves to watch Peppa Pig and we read the lovely books onboard too. He has a gorgeous blanket that was given to him from BUMBLEance and he uses it when he takes a nap. It makes it much easier as Shaye often feels sick on the journey and I am there right beside him to mind him.

‘We are so thankful to everyone at BUMBLEance for their help and support.

Hassan and Hussein Benhaffaf BUMBLEance Poem

A BUMBLEance Poem from two wonderful King Bees
“Thank you to the BUMBLEance Bee,
Who always transports my brother and me.
Ambulance drivers are the best,
They are always funny & help make us rest.
After surgeries when we are in pain,
They take us home safely & keep our Mum sane!
Sometimes when they take us both,
We end up fighting for the PlayStation remote!!!
Hospitals can be a very sad place,
But when BUMBLEance collects me
I always have a happy face
Thank you BUMBLEance for always being there,
For taking us home from hospitals & showing us you care.
So, when you all see the BUMBLEance Bee,
You will remember to help them because they have helped me!
We appreciate all your help when we are in pain,
Sending you lots of love from Hassan & Hussein.”

Hassan & HusseinKing Bees 🐝