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School's Campaign








Putting the FUN into FUNdraising!

At BUMBLEance, we know that there is nothing more powerful than kids helping kids. Get your school behind BUMBLEance today, and develop new invaluable competencies such as teamwork, organisation, creativity, decision making, research, planning, project management, communication and problem solving – whilst helping sick kids nationwide.

Here are 5 good reasons for getting your school involved:

1. Get that BUZZ: Get that ‘feel good’ factor from helping others. Fundraising helps you to enhance your skills and to develop ideas and concepts for the good of others.
2. You are helping BUMBLEance kids your own age: The kids you raise funds for are your age. We support critically ill patients from newborns to 18 years old.
3. It takes a whole lot of BEES to make HONEY: Through collective teamwork, you can develop a fundraising activity that suits your school, your class, or your fundraising team. Make a positive impact today!
4. BUMBLEance Backing: We are here to help you every step of the way. We will help keep you motivated as you focus on reaching your fundraising target.
5. BUMBLEance Will Visit Your School: We will gladly arrange for a school visit from our PR BUMBLEance. Your friends and other students will be able to view first-hand what a real BUMBLEance looks like. A member of our team will conduct a student Q&A session. (Subject to availability, advance booking notice required.)

Click here to request a School Visit

Contact Us

Call – 083 00 44444
Email –


• No-Uniform Day
• BEE for BUMBLEance Day (YELLOW & BLACK day)
• Pyjama Day
• Student Table Quiz
• Fashion Show
• Hamper Raffle
• Sports day or an organised walk/run/cycle
• Cake Sale
• School Movie Day
• Student Talent Show
• Sleep Out

We will provide you with all the FUNDRAISING MATERIALS and SUPPORT that you need!


Remember: Our fundraising activities are covered by the Triple Lock Governance Code that commits us to the highest standards of transparency, integrity and accountability.